Apart from donating just money, you also can support the charities by participating in the fundraisers. The fundraisers generally involve events like concerts, dinners, merchandise sales, auctions, golf tournaments or other activities, which depends on audience that are targeted and amount of money that is available. The people are likely to spend their money and keen to spend on something they otherwise will not do, in case they know that proceeds will be going to the charity. If you want more help regarding this, then you must definitely visit Dr Ganesh Ramalingam website and get complete details.
Volunteer your talent and time
Besides giving out money or getting involved in the fundraisers, you also can volunteer your skill and time and use your special talent in something that you can enjoy doing. Food banks or homeless shelters require help cleaning or cooking and serving meals. Suppose you have got musical talent and skills like artistic ability and musical talent, then you can find the ways of helping charity like organizing the performance for the charity and selling your artworks for the charity. You can ask over to find what kind of help is required by that charity.
Use your skills.
Suppose you have technical skills, it will be the best way of helping the charities. Suppose you exactly know how you can write good proposal and press releases, you may help out the charities to prepare one. People who have good knowledge in arts or designing will help the charities by designing the posters, flyers, brochures, signs and help to design the website for charity organization.